Registration in the Belgian section of the AEPEA assures quality for AEPEA. Besides the participation in the activities of our section, it offers access to the international working groups which are gradually being set up, preferential rates for the colloquia and invitations to congresses of the AEPEA in the various European countries. It also offers the possibility of benefiting from scientific support for the elaboration of research projects and/or the participation in international research. An individual registration costs € 50. For associations and institutions, two price rates are being suggested : € 250 or € 500 (creating the possibility of making respectively 5 or 10 members of one’s association benefit of the activities proposed by the AEPEA and the Belgian section, and having 5 or 10 votes during the section assemblies). The registration form for the AEPEA can be found on the website It must be sent back to Dr Jean-Paul Matot (93, avenue des Lilas, 1410 Waterloo, or by e-mail ). The payment of the registration fee has to be made to the asbl Fil d’Enfances, 95 avenue of Lilas, 1410 Waterloo, account ING 363-0772809-50 mentioning « inscription AEPEA 2012 - 2013, and the name of the member or the institution ».